Friday, October 17, 2008

Celebrity Wines Sell

In case you were wondering how some of the rash of LCBO-listed celebrity wines are doing, here's a quote from a Vancouver Sun web site article of April, 2008:

"The Liquor Control Board of Ontario said that wines endorsed by Wayne Gretzky will sell 18,000 cases (or $2.7 million) over the next 12 months, and wines endorsed by Dan Aykroyd over 11,000 cases ($1.7 million). Both were among the top-10 bestselling wines of 2007.

Spokesman Chris Layton said all new celebrity wines have been selling well and significantly better than new, non-celebrity brands."

The same article described a deal between The Rolling Stones and Ex Nihilo Vineyards Inc. near Kelowna, who have begun marketing a limited-edition icewine called "Sympathy for the Devil." Each bottle in the 222 cases of their Rolling Stones icewine will be hand-numbered. Mick didn't go to the London School of Economics for nothing it seems. The price? - $125 per bottle.

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